What Should the Temperature be When Hot Holding?

What Should the Temperature be When Hot Holding?

Ensuring food safety is crucial for any food service business, and one key aspect of this is maintaining the correct temperature for hot-held food. Hot holding refers to the practice of keeping cooked food at a safe temperature until it is ready to be served. 

What Temperature Should a Fridge Be?

What Temperature Should a Fridge Be?

Making sure your fridge and freezer are at the correct temperatures is important for keeping food fresh and safe to eat. Read on to find out the proper temperature for fridges and freezers, how to check the temperature of your fridge, and what to do 

5 Benefits of Remote Temperature Monitoring for Businesses

5 Benefits of Remote Temperature Monitoring for Businesses

Keeping temperature conditions within safe parameters at all times is critical across various industries, from pharmaceutical storage to food service. With traditional methods, this takes vast amounts of time and paperwork. And on the occasions when equipment fails, it can take significant time to realise 

5 Best Oven Thermometers for Baking, Pizza & More

5 Best Oven Thermometers for Baking, Pizza & More

Oven temperatures aren’t always accurate. Over time, wear and tear can impair the oven’s ability to maintain precise temperatures. Other factors can also interfere with the accuracy of your oven temperature, like overcrowding or frequently opening the door. Investing in an oven thermometer is an 

5 Benefits of Sous Vide for Restaurants

5 Benefits of Sous Vide for Restaurants

Sous vide is a cooking method where food is vacuum-sealed and slow-cooked in a water bath at a precise, controlled temperature, resulting in evenly cooked dishes with retained flavours and tenderness. Clifton Food Range is the gold standard for commercial sous vide baths in the 

Best Thermometers for Cold Chain Storage & Transportation 

Best Thermometers for Cold Chain Storage & Transportation 

All perishable items go through a number of storage and transportation processes between production and consumption. This includes food such as meat and dairy and medical products like vaccines and medication. During each stage of their journey, it’s critical for the items to maintain a 

How Long to Rest a Roast Chicken — A Temperature Investigation

How Long to Rest a Roast Chicken — A Temperature Investigation

Take a look at a few results online results, and you’ll see recommended resting times for chicken generally come up at around 15-30 minutes. As temperature experts, we like precise results. So, we decided to investigate what happens to the temperature of a roast chicken 

How to Check Your Dishwasher Temperature is Correct

How to Check Your Dishwasher Temperature is Correct

All UK food businesses are legally required to manage food safety risks using HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point) principles. One of these control points is ensuring tableware and kitchen equipment are thoroughly cleaned. As part of this, hot water in sinks and dishwasher 

3 Benefits of Using Bluetooth Thermometers for Business

3 Benefits of Using Bluetooth Thermometers for Business

If you’re looking to safeguard your business using up-to-date temperature technology, Bluetooth thermometers are a great way to go. They enable businesses to save time on checks, increase the accuracy of their data and maintain it in an organised, accessible way. This can be a 

5 Best Fridge Thermometers for Business & Home

5 Best Fridge Thermometers for Business & Home

Whether you’re a restaurant owner, office manager or home cook, you should be checking your fridge temperatures to ensure your chilled food is safe. Unsure what temperature your fridge should be? Read our fridge/freezer temperature guide to find out. For food businesses, fridges and freezers