ThermaData Studio – Viewing & Exporting Data & TD Link App

ThermaData Studio – Viewing & Exporting Data & TD Link App

The final instalment in our three-part ThermaData Studio blog series today we will be talking about how you can view and export data from the Studio software, as well as the great features of our TD Link iOS app.



Opening Saved Files

There are two ways of accessing your saved files. You can navigate to the folder on your PC where your files are being saved and open the appropriate .msdb file or you can also open the .msdb file through the Studio software itself by using the ‘OPEN’ icon in the tool bar. Once the file has been opened it will bring up two windows, a graph and an overall data summary.

The graph is a NEW feature to the Studio software (v4.0.0) – this handy feature will now allow you to zoom in using the scroll function on your mouse and more clearly see specific points of interest within your data. You can easily select and deselect which data you wish to view and you can also click directly onto one of the graph lines to view more in-depth information about that specific logger. While you are clicked onto a specific graph line you can toggle between max/min temperatures shown as well as the high/low limits of that logger. These functions allow you to more easily view your data in a way that is targeted and more user-friendly, therefore if you want to specifically look at the logger from your fridge in the warehouse from a certain date and time; it’s very easy and quick to do so.

When a .msdb file is saved it automatically creates the summary data and graph therefore you do not need to additionally save the graph once you have viewed the data. You can access the graph in any saved .msdb file by simply using the section icons in the top tool bar.

The Data Summary window provides a more general overview of the data including the important information such as when alarms were reached or exceeded, how many times, when the logger started and stopped recording, average temperatures and max and min temperatures recorded. It also has a very handy notes section where you can record any additional information needed such as whether there was a power cut during a specific date point, which could explain any alarms etc.



If you would prefer to export your saved data into a different format then you can easily do this through the Studio software. A .msdb file is great for showing to your EHO as it cannot be changed. However, if you would like to send some specific data to someone who perhaps doesn’t have the software or you’re presenting the data to someone then you may want to export targeted data points into a different format such as excel or PDF.

Simply go to file – save as – choose your file type and then save.

At this point you can also segment your data, for example saving only the data from one sensor between particular date ranges rather than all the sensors logged during the month of July. You can do this by clicking on the ‘Options’ tab when going through the ‘Save As’ process. A window will pop up allowing you to manipulate what data you wish to save (first untick’ Export All’).


You can also merge multiple files together, for example you may want to show a particular time or day on each month for the duration of a year. You may also have multiple loggers that are saved in individual files or multiple months that can be easily merged together for quicker and easier data viewing.

You can do this by going to: File > Tools > File Merger > Add > choose as many files as you require and then selecting merge. You will then be prompted to save and name this “new” merged file.


The TD Link app will mirror the information shown on your Studio software; the app is perfect for push notifications about your loggers/alarms when you’re away from your PC or when it is turned off. To connect the app to your Studio software simply follow these quick instructions.

Download the TD Link app on your smart phone and then locate the iOS link function in the ThermaData® tab on your Studio software. Enter your email & create a new password then hit Register. You will now receive an email confirming your registration. You can then login to the app accordingly.

The TD Link app allows you to view your most recent data, however you cannot adjust settings or data, this should be done through the main Studio software on the PC.

Within the app you’ll see all the loggers available to you to view, with any that need actioning pushed towards the top and highlighted. When a logger needs attention you will also receive a push notification alerting you to it. You can also tap on each logger and view the additional data such as alarm limits set, max and min temperatures, when the logger last communicated the measurement and transmission intervals, and be able to mute notifications for that specific logger.

The push notifications are a super handy way of keeping notified on the go about your loggers, and getting direct information straight to your smart phone.

Tip: The app does not auto refresh, it will automatically refresh each time the app is opened, otherwise simply click the refresh button or drag down on the screen and let it reload.


Previous blogs: ThermaData Studio – Auto Archive Feature , ThermaData Studio – Walk Through Set Up Guide

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